People with disabilities often want to work to contribute their skills to their community and experience the independence many of us take for granted. But even part-time paid work can result in losing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments. Morgan, a client with ABLE, reached out to us when she started experiencing the common issue of “overpayments.”
News & Resources

Tenant Information Hotline Now Open
The Tenant Eviction Relief Project & Tenant Information Hotline is ready to take your calls! We work with clients to access tenant rights information, receive rental assistance funds, and support policy advocacy that protects tenants’ housing stability. Contact the Tenant Information Hotline at 1-833-777-0277.

ABLE’s Project with the Vera Institute of Justice Helps Bridge the Justice Gap for Unaccompanied Children
ABLE has partnered with the Vera Institute of Justice to launch the Unaccompanied Children Project. Funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the project is an expansion of our decades-long commitment to serving the varied legal needs of immigrants in Ohio.

Adison’s Story
17-year-old Adison lives with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a condition that causes muscle weakness throughout the body and severely restricts the use of his upper extremities. Read how ABLE assisted Adison in acquiring a specialized wheelchair and robotic arm to achieve independence.

New Program Provides Civil Legal Assistance to Afghan Evacuees in Western Ohio
The ABLE-led Afghan Evacuee Immigration Legal Services Project provides legal guidance and helps our new community members as continued progress is made toward stabilizing the humanitarian crisis.

ABLE’s Medical-Legal Partnership for Children Addresses Social Determinants of Health
The Toledo MLPC pairs legal aid attorneys with pediatric medical and mental health providers to improve the health and well-being of children whose needs may not be getting met due to socioeconomic factors.

EdChoice Vouchers Affect the Rights of Vulnerable Ohio Children with Low Incomes as Argued in Amicus Brief
ABLE has joined several advocacy and legal services organizations to file an amicus brief in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio’s school voucher program.

Reducing Mental Health Stigma Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Non-English Speaking Communities
The Stigma Reduction Expansion Initiative is a community partnership that addresses mental health and COVID-19 fears in Ohio's agricultural worker and immigrant communities.

ABLE and LAWO Publish 2022 – 2023 Harvest Calendar for Ohio’s Farmworker Community
The Harvest Calendar is our main outreach tool for immigrants and agricultural workers, reaching nearly 2,000 people.