On Tuesday, May 2, ABLE Child Advocate Jennifer Behnfeldt joined with fellow advocates and community members in sharing testimony in the House Families and Aging Committee in support of HB 7. If passed by the Ohio Legislature, the bill would invest $63 million toward providing much-needed support for growing families throughout the state.
Healthcare and Economic Stability

Morgan's Story
People with disabilities often want to work to contribute their skills to their community and experience the independence many of us take for granted. But even part-time paid work can result in losing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments. Morgan, a client with ABLE, reached out to us when she started experiencing the common issue of “overpayments.”

Adison’s Story
17-year-old Adison lives with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a condition that causes muscle weakness throughout the body and severely restricts the use of his upper extremities. Read how ABLE assisted Adison in acquiring a specialized wheelchair and robotic arm to achieve independence.

ABLE’s Medical-Legal Partnership for Children Addresses Social Determinants of Health
The Toledo MLPC pairs legal aid attorneys with pediatric medical and mental health providers to improve the health and well-being of children whose needs may not be getting met due to socioeconomic factors.

New Mental Health Collaborative Project Provides Resources and Education to Providers
A new collaboration between ABLE and the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Lucas County (MHRSB) aims to address the multi-faceted needs of people living with mental health issues in northwest Ohio.

ABLE Attorneys Publish Analysis on the Community Lawyering Model in the UIC Law Review
"Working for Justice in an Unjust System: Moving Beyond the Legal System", published in Volume 55, Issue 2 of the UIC Law Review, discusses ABLE attorneys Kathleen Kersh and Matthew Currie’s analysis of how the community lawyering model can be used to promote community power to change unjust systems.

With the generous support of the Ohio State Bar Foundation, ABLE attorneys create valuable materials.

Navigating the Medicaid waiver system can be complicated and frustrating. Hear how two of our clients navigated the system.

Developmental Disabilities Waiver Project
Everyone deserves an opportunity to live in their community near their family, friends, and support system. People with disabilities may not be able to do that without supports. Medicaid waivers allow people with disabilities and chronic conditions to receive care in their homes and communities.