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Passport Project

A person’s ability to meet the necessities for living a quality life should not be dependent upon where they live. People who otherwise qualify for services that allow them to remain in their home may have difficulty obtaining services for a multitude of reasons.

Taylor Burns Ohio State House

Students living in poverty need their school records so they can succeed in new schools.

"As a state, we must act to ensure that our increasingly mobile student populations are served through the transitions in their lives. "

ABLE to help children victimized by opioid crisis thanks to nearly $500,000 DOJ grant

The Gem City Market

The Gem City Market

Partnering with Neighbors to Heighten Food Access and Develop Jobs; The Gem City Market

A Regional Water Plan

A regional water plan that included no protections for people with low incomes, now includes provisions to ensure the City will create assistance prog ...

Justice for Detained Black Mauritanians

Black Mauritanians began seeking refuge in Ohio decades ago after fleeing their African homeland, where they faced violence, oppression, and slavery. ...

Increasing Pay Equity

Women in Ohio each year are typically paid $11,477 less than men, according to the National Partnership for Women and Families. That is the 14th worst ...

Know your rights. Protect your family.

People should not have to live in fear that their families will be torn apart. Unfortunately, many immigrants have experienced that hard reality. Thei ...

Family separation in Ohio – families detained for ICE arrest while fishing

Families taking a Sunday off from their hard work should be able to spend time in a public place without fear of being detained without reason, arrest ...