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News & Resources

In the Spotlight

ABLE Appoints New Executive Director Makiedah Messam

ABLE’s Eviction Prevention Work Continues with Extension of HUD Grant

Certificate of Qualification for Employment Project

Everyone deserves the right to have the ability to get a job to provide for themselves and their families. Some employers refuse to hire a person with a criminal conviction. Ohio law allows for criminal record sealing in certain cases, but limits exist.

Passport Project

A person’s ability to meet the necessities for living a quality life should not be dependent upon where they live. People who otherwise qualify for services that allow them to remain in their home may have difficulty obtaining services for a multitude of reasons.

Honoring dedicated public servants for committing their lives to helping others

Taylor Burns Ohio State House

Students living in poverty need their school records so they can succeed in new schools.

"As a state, we must act to ensure that our increasingly mobile student populations are served through the transitions in their lives. "

Advocates for Basic Legal Equality Reem Subei recently shared her TedTalk in Toledo.

You and the Law - November 2019

Host Jeffrey Swillinger talks Helping Seniors Legal Aid's Plan Ahead & Protect Project

ABLE to help children victimized by opioid crisis thanks to nearly $500,000 DOJ grant

Who gets stopped in Oakwood? The racial divide.